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675: Survival the Obfuscation [March 31, 2017]
  Reflecting on building on old hobbies. [ MP3 | link ]

674: Youtube is Not a Friend [March 29, 2017]
  A trial separation for improvements. [ MP3 | link ]

673: New Podcast and an Old Idea [March 27, 2017]
  As you may have heard. [ MP3 | link ]

672: Groundhog Day Again [March 24, 2017]
  Same ideas over and over. [ MP3 | link ]

671: Facebook Doesn't Help [March 22, 2017]
  The algorithms are getting to me. [ MP3 | link ]

670: Spring Cleaning Exercise [March 20, 2017]
  It's time to simplify. [ MP3 | link ]

669: Back in 2006 [March 17, 2017]
  When I lamented previously. [ MP3 | link ]

668: d20 Planet [March 15, 2017]
  Making triangles into spheres. [ MP3 | link ]

667: Downward Facing Train Show [March 13, 2017]
  The general aspect of things are never as good as what you create. [ MP3 | link ]

666: Computers Are Hard To Come By [March 10, 2017]
  The ever present failures continue. [ MP3 | link ]

665: Completing a Project [March 8, 2017]
  Something to be celebrated. [ MP3 | link ]

664: Children Playing Freely [March 6, 2017]
  A kinder time. [ MP3 | link ]

663: Guess Who [March 3, 2017]
  Meet at 8:15. [ MP3 | link ]

662: Winter Storms [March 1, 2017]
  Survived thankfully. [ MP3 | link ]

661: Reset the Format [February 27, 2017]
  Time for a new direction. [ MP3 | link ]

660: End of the Drummer [February 15, 2017]
  A classic sample's origin. [ MP3 | link ]

659: Evil Dungeons and Dragons [February 14, 2017]
  There was a time when things were a little simpler. [ MP3 | link ]

658: Future Homemakers [February 13, 2017]
  A curious footnote on Unsolved Mysteries. [ MP3 | link ]

657: I Dream of Farming [February 12, 2017]
  Always greener in the future. [ MP3 | link ]

656: After the Failed War on Drugs [February 11, 2017]
  What will they teach in schools? [ MP3 | link ]

655: Capitalism Kills [February 10, 2017]
  Rewardless risk. [ MP3 | link ]

654: Firearms Training [February 9, 2017]
  Education and commitment. [ MP3 | link ]

653: Practical Use For Toy Soldiers [February 8, 2017]
  Can there be a practical use? [ MP3 | link ]

652: Bad Donations It Seems [February 7, 2017]
  Attempts to alienate are curious. [ MP3 | link ]

651: Podcast Editing Blues [February 6, 2017]
  Sometimes things just don't let up. [ MP3 | link ]

650: A Threefa To Avoid [February 5, 2017]
  Watching some bad films. [ MP3 | link ]

649: Always Welcome [February 4, 2017]
  Feedback on This Comes Next is always welcomed. [ MP3 | link ]

648: Film Review, Down Terrace [February 3, 2017]
  A very curious British gangster movie. [ MP3 | link ]

647: Disinfectant Paint Stripper [February 2, 2017]
  Imagine what it does to skin. [ MP3 | link ]

646: The Plumbing Situation [February 1, 2017]
  Boring, very boring. [ MP3 | link ]

645: Plight of an Uber Driver [January 31, 2017]
  Sometimes you need to give some humanity. [ MP3 | link ]

644: National Lampoon Lennon [January 30, 2017]
  Genius is pain. [ MP3 | link ]

643: My Name is Tom [January 29, 2017]
  Spelling for sanity. [ MP3 | link ]

642: Catching Up [January 28, 2017]
  A brief chat with an old friend. [ MP3 | link ]

641: Films that Contain Torture [January 27, 2017]
  And great musical scores. [ MP3 | link ]

640: Epic [January 26, 2017]
  What is it? [ MP3 | link ]

639: I Could Have Done More [January 25, 2017]
  I didn't try hard enough to be a good Australian. [ MP3 | link ]

638: There's No Positive History [January 24, 2017]
  People just want to believe in nonsense. [ MP3 | link ]

637: People are Worth Spending Time With [January 23, 2017]
  Reflecting on an abstract point about my time away. [ MP3 | link ]

636: Australia Led the Way [January 22, 2017]
  Environmental engineering is one field where Australia led for two generations. [ MP3 | link ]

635: Buying Blood Bowl [January 21, 2017]
  A game of fantasy football to rule them all. [ MP3 | link ]

634: the Legacy of Bush the Son [January 20, 2017]
  Remembering history is really important. [ MP3 | link ]

633: Reflecting on My Role in the Community [January 19, 2017]
  Maybe I bring some good. [ MP3 | link ]

632: A Little Break [January 18, 2017]
  Starting a new podcast. [ MP3 | link ]

631: Homeless Man with a Lawnmower [January 7, 2017]
  Welcome to San Jose. [ MP3 | link ]

630: Avoiding Certain Places [January 6, 2017]
  A means of coping that seems to work. [ MP3 | link ]

629: Return to the Shed [January 5, 2017]
  Finding a familiar place about seventeen years later. [ MP3 | link ]

628: A Trip to the Cinema [January 4, 2017]
  Some places have strange customs. [ MP3 | link ]

627: Constants in Australian Radio [January 3, 2017]
  Amazing that time progresses elsewhere. [ MP3 | link ]

626: Finding a New Cohost [January 2, 2017]
  Exploring the need for narrative with others. [ MP3 | link ]

625: Returning to the Mess [January 1, 2017]
  Some things you just can't leave behind. [ MP3 | link ]

624: Humor is an Abstract Thing [December 31, 2016]
  Some things just aren't funny to me. [ MP3 | link ]

623: Friendships at a Distance [December 30, 2016]
  What properties does friendship have? [ MP3 | link ]

622: Meeting up with Kingston [December 29, 2016]
  Book characters are real. [ MP3 | link ]

621: Happy to Leave [December 28, 2016]
  Reflections on returning to a childhood home country. [ MP3 | link ]

620: On Shelf Layouts [December 27, 2016]
  The practical nature of existence unfortunately. [ MP3 | link ]

619: No New Years Resolutions [December 26, 2016]
  Survival is where it is at. [ MP3 | link ]

618: This Year Music, Dropping Bombs [December 25, 2016]
  A piece of music about our responsibility. [ MP3 | link ]

617: This Year Music, Against the World [December 24, 2016]
  A composition about existence. [ MP3 | link ]

616: 808 Documentary [December 23, 2016]
  A documentary about a drum machine. [ MP3 | link ]

615: This Year Music, Saturday [December 22, 2016]
  A little ditty about a failed Saturday. [ MP3 | link ]

614: Kate Plays Poorly [December 21, 2016]
  A documentary not worth watching. [ MP3 | link ]

613: Online Shopping [December 20, 2016]
  Addressing a basic problem. [ MP3 | link ]

612: the Festive Period [December 19, 2016]
  Answering a listener question. [ MP3 | link ]

611: On Malls and Musak [December 18, 2016]
  Listener question about bad juju. [ MP3 | link ]

610: Energy for These Podcasts [December 17, 2016]
  Where does it come from? [ MP3 | link ]

609: New Cold War [December 16, 2016]
  Returning to nuclear winter. [ MP3 | link ]

608: Work Life Balance [December 15, 2016]
  Hair care advice from a bald man. [ MP3 | link ]

607: The Russian Plot Thickens [December 14, 2016]
  Sometimes things are so backwards it is hard to understand where to begin. [ MP3 | link ]

606: Return of Time Commanders [December 13, 2016]
  Something good is starting again. [ MP3 | link ]

605: Fear as an Artistic Tool [December 12, 2016]
  Techniques in new media exploration. [ MP3 | link ]

604: Escaping the House with the Crying Baby [December 11, 2016]
  Childhood memories are sometimes difficult to repress. [ MP3 | link ]

603: Reading the Turner Diaries [December 10, 2016]
  Sometimes you need to read objectionable texts. [ MP3 | link ]

602: Life Choices Without Fear [December 9, 2016]
  Small philosophical choices can confront. [ MP3 | link ]

601: Silence is the Outcome [December 8, 2016]
  Quietening though capitalism. [ MP3 | link ]

600: Fake News and Net Neutrality [December 7, 2016]
  Those who define the terms, define the argument. [ MP3 | link ]

599: Music Touches People through the Sublime [December 6, 2016]
  A little philosophy encourages a lot of music. [ MP3 | link ]

598: Evolution of the Brain [December 5, 2016]
  The universe is important for the brain. [ MP3 | link ]

597: Dealing with Probability Against You [December 4, 2016]
  Capitalism is addicted to the future. [ MP3 | link ]

596: Calming Development of Noble Ape [December 3, 2016]
  Working out things with old software development. [ MP3 | link ]

595: Learning from Dog Breeders [December 2, 2016]
  The ranges of genetic mutation. [ MP3 | link ]

594: Everyone Seems to be Talking About [December 1, 2016]
  Some reflections on a completed project. [ MP3 | link ]

593: One Time in Las Vegas [November 30, 2016]
  A failed hobby to try and find the other podcasters. [ MP3 | link ]

592: Fleeting Memories are Fleeting [November 29, 2016]
  One day it is here, the next day it is gone. [ MP3 | link ]

591: Not My Form of Addiction [November 28, 2016]
  Reflecting on other toy soldier collectors. [ MP3 | link ]

590: Critical Feedback is Not Criticism [November 27, 2016]
  The reception of feedback is not a property of the feedback. [ MP3 | link ]

589: Seasonally Adjusted Fake Job Statistics [November 26, 2016]
  The Department of Labor's ongoing quest to provide fake news. [ MP3 | link ]

588: All Corporate Media is Fake [November 25, 2016]
  Curious that there appears to be finger pointing. [ MP3 | link ]

587: Flawed Logic of RLEI in San Jose [November 24, 2016]
  Civil actions against criminals appears not to work. [ MP3 | link ]

586: Failed Hobbies in the Key of Eighty [November 23, 2016]
  Turns out really not that interesting. [ MP3 | link ]

585: Pervert Park [November 22, 2016]
  A documentary that is disturbing and will make you think. [ MP3 | link ]

584: Extreme Politeness [November 21, 2016]
  Is it a burden or is it beneficial? [ MP3 | link ]

583: Shake It Fast [November 20, 2016]
  Trying to find modern rap that is worth a listen. [ MP3 | link ]

582: The Casey News Network [November 19, 2016]
  For the generation that doesn't know what a sellout is. [ MP3 | link ]

581: A Quality of Exhaustion [November 18, 2016]
  Putting words together is hard. [ MP3 | link ]

580: Last Sopranos Analysis [November 17, 2016]
  Juxtaposing for improved understanding. [ MP3 | link ]

579: Bon Voyage Fidel [November 16, 2016]
  Reflections on an imperfect man. [ MP3 | link ]

578: Hyper Authoritarianism [November 15, 2016]
  Now for a dystopian future. [ MP3 | link ]

577: Who Has the Nerve [November 14, 2016]
  A curious film that was surprisingly unoffensive. [ MP3 | link ]

576: Footnote to War Dogs [November 13, 2016]
  How well do I really watch films. [ MP3 | link ]

575: Diversity [November 12, 2016]
  Seeing patterns in the rotation of topics. [ MP3 | link ]

574: On Mr. Nice [November 11, 2016]
  Smuggling put to film. [ MP3 | link ]

573: Camera Drop [November 10, 2016]
  When the basis is no longer there. [ MP3 | link ]

572: Overloaded Dream [November 9, 2016]
  Working through useless knowledge. [ MP3 | link ]

571: Liked the Shallows [November 8, 2016]
  Sometimes big shark movies are okay. [ MP3 | link ]

570: Capturing Time [November 7, 2016]
  Old magazines provide a delightful insight. [ MP3 | link ]

569: Steve Resolved [November 6, 2016]
  A conclusion to an open narrative. [ MP3 | link ]

568: War Dogs [November 5, 2016]
  The other film is called Lord of War. [ MP3 | link ]

567: Embracing the Inner Pigeon Fancier [November 4, 2016]
  Darwin provides good advice. [ MP3 | link ]

566: Creating A Strong Counter Narrative [November 3, 2016]
  The responsibility is yours to take this a little further. [ MP3 | link ]

565: Cannabis Election [November 2, 2016]
  A footnote to the election. [ MP3 | link ]

564: Migrate Already [November 1, 2016]
  A boring threat without action. [ MP3 | link ]

563: Dealing with the Threat of Violence Rationally [October 31, 2016]
  Sometimes you need to make critical calculations about human irrationality. [ MP3 | link ]

562: Failed Media Dies Slowly [October 30, 2016]
  Perhaps we need to put in some critical work here. [ MP3 | link ]

561: No Meaningful Popular Far Right [October 29, 2016]
  You can't hug a corporate interest. [ MP3 | link ]

560: Wonderful Genetics [October 28, 2016]
  Finding new narratives through genetics. [ MP3 | link ]

559: How the US Won the War in Vietnam [October 27, 2016]
  Talking to the revisionist history of Vietnam. [ MP3 | link ]

558: Fade Away and Radiate - Toxic People [October 26, 2016]
  Distancing can be liberating. [ MP3 | link ]

557: Dubious of Polls [October 25, 2016]
  Not clear if anyone can predict the future. [ MP3 | link ]

556: Winter Months Projects [October 24, 2016]
  A secret project and a mumble rap track. [ MP3 | link ]

555: Final Extortion of Vine [October 23, 2016]
  These new media folks have some curious practices. [ MP3 | link ]

554: Meeting Me Sometimes [October 22, 2016]
  The easiest way to find me. [ MP3 | link ]

553: Fade Away and Radiate - Community [October 21, 2016]
  Life after 40 needs to be simpler. [ MP3 | link ]

552: Four Things to Maintain [October 20, 2016]
  Looking back sometimes you should scoop the good things up. [ MP3 | link ]

551: Fade Away and Radiate - Introduction [October 19, 2016]
  An idea after I turned 40. [ MP3 | link ]

550: San Jose vs. Manchester [October 18, 2016]
  What does social responsibility mean in the context of a city. [ MP3 | link ]

549: Is Twitter Producing New Listeners? [October 17, 2016]
  Maybe a correlation exists. [ MP3 | link ]

548: Why Work With This Community? [October 16, 2016]
  A listener question has cause some thinking. [ MP3 | link ]

547: Noble Ape Speak [October 15, 2016]
  Getting the Noble Apes to speak. [ MP3 | link ]

546: Talking to Kids About Career Choices [October 14, 2016]
  How do you explain drive to young children? [ MP3 | link ]

545: Ongoing Ideas from the Dungeons and Dragons Campaign [October 13, 2016]
  Small additions to the discussion on the campaign. [ MP3 | link ]

544: Little Dieter Needs to Talk [October 12, 2016]
  A film review about an important aspect of history. [ MP3 | link ]

543: No High School Yearbook [October 11, 2016]
  A lack of photos and names makes it irrelevant. [ MP3 | link ]

542: Politically Complicated [October 10, 2016]
  Not on the right mailing lists. [ MP3 | link ]

541: Squirrelly and Squirreling [October 9, 2016]
  Small pewter men still define me. [ MP3 | link ]

540: Contrasting Free Media With Current Times [October 8, 2016]
  Without free media, we have now. [ MP3 | link ]

539: Chewing the Vietnam War Era [October 7, 2016]
  Buying myself a gift of the times. [ MP3 | link ]

538: Genetic Intersections [October 6, 2016]
  Confronted with some interesting narrative. [ MP3 | link ]

537: Reflecting on Forty Years of Chaos [October 5, 2016]
  What can one say about life? [ MP3 | link ]

536: What I'm Doing at 2:40 am [October 4, 2016]
  Following a prior theme. [ MP3 | link ]

535: Lamenting the Loss of the Four Hour Show [October 3, 2016]
  Not coming back in the near future. [ MP3 | link ]

534: Maintaining Criticality [October 2, 2016]
  It is all in the ears. [ MP3 | link ]

533: Genestealer Cults [October 1, 2016]
  A plot of twenty five years ago reborn. [ MP3 | link ]

532: I Could Be Feeding Ten [September 30, 2016]
  Running the math on podcast networks. [ MP3 | link ]

531: Short Term Allure of Money Making Podcasts [September 29, 2016]
  A different take on a familiar theme. [ MP3 | link ]

530: Say Something Unless You Live in San Jose [September 28, 2016]
  Making local resources part of national security. [ MP3 | link ]

529: Fewer Funks [September 27, 2016]
  Time is a finite resource. [ MP3 | link ]

528: Will a Trump Victory Cause Riots [September 26, 2016]
  When there is no police, anything is possible. [ MP3 | link ]

527: Increasingly Skeptical on the Dream [September 25, 2016]
  The last part of the dream leaves some food for thought. [ MP3 | link ]

526: Lost Voice [September 24, 2016]
  Nothing to add here. [ MP3 | link ]

525: Strange Memories From Early Childhood, Part II [September 23, 2016]
  Providing curious insights through the dreamscape. [ MP3 | link ]

524: A Few More [September 22, 2016]
  Reflecting on growing the podcast. [ MP3 | link ]

523: Applied Astrology [September 21, 2016]
  Is it in the stars or in the nappy? [ MP3 | link ]

522: Vacation State of Mind [September 20, 2016]
  Quick to forget. [ MP3 | link ]

521: Wishing Away Crime [September 19, 2016]
  Create a label, watch it disappear. [ MP3 | link ]

520: Interesting Dream Spaces, Part I [September 18, 2016]
  The start of a dream exploration. [ MP3 | link ]

519: For the Benefit of Some [September 17, 2016]
  Humanitarian waiting around. [ MP3 | link ]

518: No Right to a Political Opinion [September 16, 2016]
  Strange being a foreigner. [ MP3 | link ]

517: Woken by Gunfire [September 15, 2016]
  Doing calculus on bullets flying. [ MP3 | link ]

516: Cats Currently Living [September 14, 2016]
  An exploration of four felines for a listener. [ MP3 | link ]

515: Fewer Favorites Still [September 13, 2016]
  It appear architecture has little impact. [ MP3 | link ]

514: No Favorites? [September 12, 2016]
  Listener question on train lines. [ MP3 | link ]

513: Different Perspective On... [September 11, 2016]
  Exploring this topic a different way. [ MP3 | link ]

512: There's Your Sign Neighbor [September 10, 2016]
  A horror film review. [ MP3 | link ]

511: Stealing Steaks [September 9, 2016]
  With a footnote to Zingerman's addiction. [ MP3 | link ]

510: Elizabeth Soprano [September 8, 2016]
  People in the UK are wiser to this thing of theirs. [ MP3 | link ]

509: City versus Wilderness [September 7, 2016]
  An artificial dichotomy in a listener question. [ MP3 | link ]

508: Two Viable Parties [September 6, 2016]
  A listener question prompts some meaningful analysis. [ MP3 | link ]

507: Naming Territories [September 5, 2016]
  Something simple can help Noble Apes. [ MP3 | link ]

506: Narcos [September 4, 2016]
  Very well written. [ MP3 | link ]

505: Sausage Party [September 3, 2016]
  Seth Rogen can make any kind of movie he wants. [ MP3 | link ]

504: Supporting the Green Party [September 2, 2016]
  This is a question rather than a title. [ MP3 | link ]

503: UK Documentaries [September 1, 2016]
  Therapy in hard times. [ MP3 | link ]

502: Weiner [August 31, 2016]
  Grounds for a divorce. [ MP3 | link ]

501: Aiming for Respect [August 30, 2016]
  Looking to the future to fix the present. [ MP3 | link ]

500: Cats Slow Escape [August 29, 2016]
  Pets can sometimes be a burden. [ MP3 | link ]

499: Narrative and Noble Ape [August 28, 2016]
  Speech as a programming language. [ MP3 | link ]

498: Music is an Answer [August 27, 2016]
  Missing the time invested in music. [ MP3 | link ]

497: Exhaustion in the Context of the Community [August 26, 2016]
  A head above water is still useful. [ MP3 | link ]

496: Fliers for Organized Crime [August 25, 2016]
  The community response to a flier. [ MP3 | link ]

495: Cupcakes Assist Gang Prevention [August 24, 2016]
  Show a little tenderness. [ MP3 | link ]

494: Snappy the Alligator [August 23, 2016]
  An unlikely local mascot is born. [ MP3 | link ]

493: Haircuts by Lynn [August 22, 2016]
  Go the extra text to get a returning customer. [ MP3 | link ]

492: Pamphlets of Fear [August 21, 2016]
  Nudity is the hidden weapon. [ MP3 | link ]

491: Stray AK Fire [August 20, 2016]
  Just when the neighborhood had reached a new level of depravity. [ MP3 | link ]

490: Scanning the War Photos [August 19, 2016]
  Sometimes war photos aren't about war. [ MP3 | link ]

489: Spending Freely from the Heist [August 18, 2016]
  Those that remain should learn from Goodfellas. [ MP3 | link ]

488: Credibility is an External and Internal Commodity [August 17, 2016]
  Self critical is sometimes too critical. [ MP3 | link ]

487: If Not Hillary, Then Who? [August 16, 2016]
  Finding a role model for girls is a challenge. [ MP3 | link ]

486: Condensing a History is Hard [August 15, 2016]
  There is nothing coherent in the passing of time. [ MP3 | link ]

485: Winding Up the Garden [August 14, 2016]
  Summer is becoming a distant memory. [ MP3 | link ]

484: Baseball Bat Gang of San Jose [August 13, 2016]
  With no police, people can take up new sports. [ MP3 | link ]

483: You Can See My House [August 12, 2016]
  A classic TV show makes inroads to San Jose. [ MP3 | link ]

482: Afraid of Heights But Not of Documentaries [August 11, 2016]
  A brief look at Man on Wire. [ MP3 | link ]

481: The Film not the Place, Palo Alto [August 10, 2016]
  Low expectations are met. [ MP3 | link ]

480: Diary of a Serial Kitter [August 9, 2016]
  Two listener questions on the feed and a particular term. [ MP3 | link ]

479: Oh When the Tanks Come Marching In [August 8, 2016]
  A grenade delivered through your ears it would seem. [ MP3 | link ]

478: Radical Simulation is Not Quite There Yet [August 7, 2016]
  Maybe in another twenty years. [ MP3 | link ]

477: Bad History versus Comic Heroes [August 6, 2016]
  Returning to the cinema and burning the history books. [ MP3 | link ]

476: Kitting Projects for the Weekend [August 5, 2016]
  On spicy sauce and tiny lead men. [ MP3 | link ]

475: Sympathy Diets and Twitter [August 4, 2016]
  shortfunkcast if you were wondering. [ MP3 | link ]

474: Humanity in a Walmart [August 3, 2016]
  A random act of violence brings back some memories. [ MP3 | link ]

473: Changing Things Up [August 2, 2016]
  Reasserting where time is best spent. [ MP3 | link ]

472: Enough Codger Cage Fighting [August 1, 2016]
  Getting sick of podcast politics. [ MP3 | link ]

471: Learning From Noble Ape Brain Code [July 31, 2016]
  Can executable code learn over time? [ MP3 | link ]

470: All for the YouTube Body I Have Long Desired [July 30, 2016]
  The migraines have gone but the pills live on. [ MP3 | link ]

469: Passive to Violence and Occasional Anger [July 29, 2016]
  Putting two ideas together. [ MP3 | link ]

468: Focus on Tomatoes [July 28, 2016]
  What has been learnt? [ MP3 | link ]

467: Disappointed by Political Simplicity on Facebook [July 27, 2016]
  Starting from the beginning again. [ MP3 | link ]

466: High Risk Behavior In Men [July 26, 2016]
  Is this a real thing? [ MP3 | link ]

465: Unique Knowledge is Good [July 25, 2016]
  Paying attention in a variety of areas can help. [ MP3 | link ]

464: Chuckling at the Informant [July 24, 2016]
  A surprisingly funny true story. [ MP3 | link ]

463: Nothing to Romanticize About [July 23, 2016]
  Forget the past in terms of improving the present. [ MP3 | link ]

462: Too Short Top Boy [July 22, 2016]
  A fascinating TV show that only existed for two seasons. [ MP3 | link ]

461: Moving Beyond Initial Failure [July 21, 2016]
  Some critical self-judgement requires a new attempt. [ MP3 | link ]

460: Lunchtime Errands [July 20, 2016]
  What can go wrong in San Jose? [ MP3 | link ]

459: Silverback Gorilla [July 19, 2016]
  When is it time to retire a podcast. [ MP3 | link ]

458: A Friendly Game of D and D [July 18, 2016]
  Returning to an unusual setting. [ MP3 | link ]

457: What Is An Online Community? [July 17, 2016]
  All I do is sin. [ MP3 | link ]

456: Consume, Don't Be Consumed [July 16, 2016]
  The media is not a passive actor. [ MP3 | link ]

455: It Just Ain't Basil [July 15, 2016]
  Exploring legal herbs versus CA Proposition 64 commercialized herb. [ MP3 | link ]

454: Community Time-Out [July 14, 2016]
  Getting tired is very real. [ MP3 | link ]

453: Garden Update [July 13, 2016]
  Too fishy, too early and more. [ MP3 | link ]

452: Things Are Just Slowing Down [July 12, 2016]
  The CPU on this processor is loosing cycles. [ MP3 | link ]

451: Waiting Patiently for Bitcoin [July 11, 2016]
  Don't believe the hype. [ MP3 | link ]

450: Post Pay-To-Play [July 10, 2016]
  A footnote on my experiences. [ MP3 | link ]

449: Meta-Analysis of Narrative [July 9, 2016]
  Other perspectives on narrative. [ MP3 | link ]

448: Reflecting on Current Events [July 8, 2016]
  Processing current events. [ MP3 | link ]

447: What Could Be Done In The Future? [July 7, 2016]
  Are there really different professions? [ MP3 | link ]

446: Piecemeal Works For Something More [July 6, 2016]
  Text and audio gives future promise. [ MP3 | link ]

445: Lessons Learned Through the Potted Garden Method [July 5, 2016]
  A potted garden can be a happy one. [ MP3 | link ]

444: Not to Waste Time on Candidate Clusterbomb [July 4, 2016]
  Exploring a listener topic through refusal. [ MP3 | link ]

443: Failed Crackerdown [July 3, 2016]
  Things that may go BOOM! [ MP3 | link ]

442: Improved Links [July 2, 2016]
  Links everywhere should help. [ MP3 | link ]

441: Curious Thing Happened [July 1, 2016]
  All is not calm in the model rail fraternity. [ MP3 | link ]

440: Humans Suck [June 30, 2016]
  Picking battles can be troubling. [ MP3 | link ]

439: Slightly Wilted Garden [June 29, 2016]
  Some visuals for the garden update. [ M4V | link ]

438: Strange Bedfellows [June 28, 2016]
  Just reported and analyzed from the right. [ MP3 | link ]

437: Partial Vlogging [June 27, 2016]
  What has happened to this thing? [ MP3 | link ]

436: UK Media Farce [June 26, 2016]
  Embarrassing times without analysis. [ MP3 | link ]

435: The Final Pause [June 25, 2016]
  The metaphysics of death. [ MP3 | link ]

434: Which Books to Keep [June 24, 2016]
  A piecemeal problem analyzed before your eyes. [ M4V | link ]

433: @shortfunkcast [June 23, 2016]
  The solution to podcast recommendations is Twitter. No, really. [ MP3 | link ]

432: Oh Untimely Death [June 22, 2016]
  Writing in a new key. [ MP3 | link ]

431: Now for Something Completely Different [June 21, 2016]
  Uncharted ideas in the political spectrum. [ MP3 | link ]

430: Sound of the Police [June 20, 2016]
  Disappointing developments abound. [ MP3 | link ]

429: Felines Beware [June 19, 2016]
  Socializing feral cats is a curious experiment. [ MP3 | link ]

428: Minimalism and Cleaning [June 18, 2016]
  Shining sunlight onto a problem. [ MP3 | link ]

427: Noble Ape Podcasts 2006-09 [June 17, 2016]
  Communicating with a community is novel. [ MP3 | link ]

426: Noble Ape Survival 2005 [June 16, 2016]
  Returning can be painful. [ MP3 | link ]

425: Nervana Project Dream-like 2002-04 [June 15, 2016]
  Carbonizing the Simulation has some rewards. [ MP3 | link ]

424: What About Radio? [June 14, 2016]
  Certainly some strong impact. [ MP3 | link ]

423: Nervana Project Survival 2001 [June 13, 2016]
  Escape and redefinition seem like constants. [ MP3 | link ]

422: Nervana Project Reality 2000 [June 12, 2016]
  A start up takes elements of the project. [ MP3 | link ]

421: Nervana Project Redefinition 1999 [June 11, 2016]
  Modification sets a trajectory. [ MP3 | link ]

420: Feral Cat Philosophy [June 10, 2016]
  Pay attention is the best advice to offer. [ MP3 | link ]

419: Nervana Project Survival 1997-98 [June 9, 2016]
  Escape and a grant change the perspective. [ MP3 | link ]

418: Nervana Project Ursula 1996 [June 8, 2016]
  Some monkeys get stuck in cages. [ MP3 | link ]

417: Ali by the River [June 7, 2016]
  Act against the state, be forgotten. [ MP3 | link ]

416: Electorate to the Rescue [June 6, 2016]
  Certain things are not certain things. [ MP3 | link ]

415: Bob's Questions - Conclusion [June 5, 2016]
  Rounding out the questions from Bob Mottram. [ MP3 | link ]

414: Modifying Your Behavior Around Cameras [June 4, 2016]
  Pick your locations well. [ MP3 | link ]

413: Bob's Questions - Communications [June 3, 2016]
  How to provide this information to the public. [ MP3 | link ]

412: Keeping Australia Safe [June 2, 2016]
  Being reminded of certain practices. [ MP3 | link ]

411: Bob's Questions - Graphics [June 1, 2016]
  What direction will the Noble Ape graphics take? [ MP3 | link ]

410: Mourning a Trip [May 31, 2016]
  Sometimes it is hard to return to normal life. [ MP3 | link ]

409: Legends Juxtaposed [May 30, 2016]
  Are British gangsters an oxymoron? [ MP3 | link ]

408: Churchill Myth in War-Room Form [May 29, 2016]
  Human drones fill the space. [ MP3 | link ]

407: South of London MRR Meet Up [May 28, 2016]
  Large train layouts. [ MP3 | link ]

406: Delicious Mass Migration [May 27, 2016]
  A different analysis of a media created problem. [ MP3 | link ]

405: Loyal Listener [May 26, 2016]
  Inspiring communities is sometimes unintentional. [ MP3 | link ]

404: Wilmslow - Back to the Future [May 25, 2016]
  The past is sometimes the future. [ MP3 | link ]

403: A Consumerist Mecca [May 24, 2016]
  Old experiences are ideologically misaligned. [ MP3 | link ]

402: A Very Spiky Bed [May 23, 2016]
  An unusual experience in a hotel. [ MP3 | link ]

401: 1940s Day in Yorkshire [May 22, 2016]
  Finding magic in a day-trip. [ MP3 | link ]

400: The Nanny Adventure Game [May 21, 2016]
  Characters from numbers and imaginations. [ MP3 | link ]

399: The Greenhouses of Yorkshire [May 20, 2016]
  Familiar things a long way from home. [ MP3 | link ]

398: Information versus Tradition [May 19, 2016]
  Can one make up for the other? [ MP3 | link ]

397: Disused Nursing Home in Bradford [May 18, 2016]
  Renting a potential squat. [ MP3 | link ]

396: The Announcement in the UK [May 17, 2016]
  The podcast will be starting shortly... [ MP3 | link ]

395: The Saturn Show [May 16, 2016]
  Slightly furrier than the Truman Show. [ MP3 | link ]

394: If You Are Looking for Something New [May 15, 2016]
  How to keep learning interesting. [ MP3 | link ]

393: We Are Just Biological Legos [May 14, 2016]
  Putting the body bits together. [ MP3 | link ]

392: Too Old to be Rapping and Singing [May 13, 2016]
  Justifying creativity through the elderly Chuck D. [ MP3 | link ]

391: When Knowledge Should Not Become Objects [May 12, 2016]
  Meaninglessness to the next generation. [ MP3 | link ]

390: Allergens from the Attic [May 11, 2016]
  They are allergens not pathogens silly! [ MP3 | link ]

389: A Bad Experience at Del Taco [May 10, 2016]
  Could it be a mirror? [ MP3 | link ]

388: This Is Not What I Signed Up For [May 9, 2016]
  The weather has changed against the apocalypse. [ MP3 | link ]

387: Dream Space Around Travel [May 8, 2016]
  How can dreams help with travel? [ MP3 | link ]

386: Time to Change Perspective on Fashion [May 7, 2016]
  Sometimes it is worth playing to a team. [ MP3 | link ]

385: Old Modes and New Modes [May 6, 2016]
  Trying to implement changes. [ MP3 | link ]

384: Reflections on the Benefits of Space [May 5, 2016]
  Sometimes quality of life is a complex thing. [ MP3 | link ]

383: Manipulating Plants [May 4, 2016]
  Creating a staggered garden. [ MP3 | link ]

382: The Blood Evidence vs the People [May 3, 2016]
  Somethings from the 1990s appear to be interesting. [ MP3 | link ]

381: Coincidence Or Simulation [May 2, 2016]
  A curious meeting may be meaningless. [ MP3 | link ]

380: Sunday Cycle [May 1, 2016]
  Getting out once a week is very therapeutic. [ MP3 | link ]

379: Early Noble Ape Server Update [April 30, 2016]
  Things are slowly coming together. [ MP3 | link ]

378: New Friend on the Run [April 29, 2016]
  The garden has grown more than vegetables. [ MP3 | link ]

377: Handwriting Migration [April 28, 2016]
  What could cause a change in something so fundamental? [ MP3 | link ]

376: Keeping It Alive [April 27, 2016]
  Some experiments in keep plants alive. [ MP3 | link ]

375: Evenings Have Been Less Optimized Until Now [April 26, 2016]
  More focus is the new drive. [ MP3 | link ]

374: Death of Billy Paul [April 25, 2016]
  Comparing recent musical deaths. [ MP3 | link ]

373: Noble Ape Server Takes Shape [April 24, 2016]
  Ideas take shape. [ MP3 | link ]

372: Expect Delays in the Vlogging [April 23, 2016]
  It turns out four minutes of video takes more time than audio. [ MP3 | link ]

371: A Real Person in a Political Discussion [April 22, 2016]
  Sometimes it is hard to understand reason. [ MP3 | link ]

370: Concern about the Garden and Travel [April 21, 2016]
  Is the garden love getting too great? [ MP3 | link ]

369: Littering Phone Calls [April 20, 2016]
  What does litter have to do with unsolicited phone calls? [ MP3 | link ]

368: What Happened to Noble Ape Server? [April 19, 2016]
  Remembering that simulation thing. [ MP3 | link ]

367: Syrian Footage with Rap Hand Gestures [April 18, 2016]
  Rap gestures appear in the strangest places. [ MP3 | link ]

366: Reintroduction for the Second Year [April 17, 2016]
  What is this podcast anyway? [ MP3 | link ]

365: Exploring What Happens [April 16, 2016]
  And now for something different. [ MP3 | link ]

364: Ye Olde Emails of Yesteryear [April 15, 2016]
  So last decade. [ MP3 | link ]

363: The Bombing of Where? [April 14, 2016]
  Information just disappears sometime. [ MP3 | link ]

362: How Can You Fight Progress? [April 13, 2016]
  Is there a fatal flaw? [ MP3 | link ]

361: Now DVD Is Gone, Stories Are Lost [April 12, 2016]
  Saving things that are moving. [ MP3 | link ]

360: A Format Change To Video [April 11, 2016]
  Moving to another platform. [ MP3 | link ]

359: Summer Is Too Addictive [April 10, 2016]
  Everything that was promised. [ MP3 | link ]

358: Filing Copyright [April 9, 2016]
  Somethings may need to be done. [ MP3 | link ]

357: Childhood Hero Part 3 [April 8, 2016]
  Mythical clothing item. [ MP3 | link ]

356: Childhood Hero Part 2 [April 7, 2016]
  Cussing from the most unlikely of sources. [ MP3 | link ]

355: The Blackest Lyrics [April 6, 2016]
  Do people care about the words? [ MP3 | link ]

354: Three Times To Tosca [April 5, 2016]
  Intellectual elite security blankets. [ MP3 | link ]

353: Walk the Lightning [April 4, 2016]
  Capital electrocution execution. [ MP3 | link ]

352: Brunette Prostitutes [April 3, 2016]
  The US election has an interesting component. [ MP3 | link ]

351: Thrash Metal Every Day [April 2, 2016]
  Mood altering music. [ MP3 | link ]

350: Enjoying the Garden [April 1, 2016]
  Speaking on quiet learning. [ MP3 | link ]

349: Mall Funk [March 31, 2016]
  Could it be possible to make a better mall? [ MP3 | link ]

348: Will There Be A Serial Season Three? [March 30, 2016]
  When all the media dies down, does the podcast die? [ MP3 | link ]

347: The Devil's Laptop [March 29, 2016]
  What causes someone to deal with hellish hardware? [ MP3 | link ]

346: What Happened With Short Funk? [March 28, 2016]
  When content takes a little time. [ MP3 | link ]

345: How is This Still Illegal [March 27, 2016]
  A drug deal behind a Best Buy presents an interesting problem. [ MP3 | link ]

344: Production Over Tradition [March 26, 2016]
  Keeping children happy is secondary to production. [ MP3 | link ]

343: No Enemy Toy Soldiers [March 25, 2016]
  Curious ways to present the world to children. [ MP3 | link ]

342: Updated Musical Strategy [March 24, 2016]
  How to get things out to test the water. [ MP3 | link ]

341: Your Scientific Horoscope [March 23, 2016]
  Study gazing is like star gazing. [ MP3 | link ]

340: Only a Matter of Time [March 22, 2016]
  Working passed a ticking clock. [ MP3 | link ]

339: Project Greenhouse [March 21, 2016]
  Can the grocery store be replaced? [ MP3 | link ]

338: Fringe Education [March 20, 2016]
  If there is one thing to live by it is learning. [ MP3 | link ]

337: Context of Classical Music [March 19, 2016]
  Does propaganda impact classical music? [ MP3 | link ]

336: Tales of the Grim Sleeper [March 18, 2016]
  Bloomfield's best documentary. [ MP3 | link ]

335: Unable to Get Out of Australia [March 17, 2016]
  Nightmares reveal trauma. [ MP3 | link ]

334: Montage of Heck [March 16, 2016]
  Soaked in saccharine to cover up a murder. [ MP3 | link ]

333: Bolinas is Warm Gun [March 15, 2016]
  California satires itself. [ MP3 | link ]

332: Life is R Rated [March 14, 2016]
  Need more than one cuss-word. [ MP3 | link ]

331: Not the Intended User [March 13, 2016]
  Large plastic tubs never used. [ MP3 | link ]

330: Jaws of Las Vegas [March 12, 2016]
  Small canine with large canines. [ MP3 | link ]

329: Death in the Office [March 11, 2016]
  A curious aspect in the work-a-day life. [ MP3 | link ]

328: Rarely Right and Always Annoying [March 10, 2016]
  For once, maybe I shouldn't advocate for the devil. [ MP3 | link ]

327: Bass and Lute on the Cutting Room Floor [March 9, 2016]
  Another musical piece falls to the ground. [ MP3 | link ]

326: Perceptions of a Conversation [March 8, 2016]
  Sometimes you are not as idiotic as you sound. [ MP3 | link ]

325: Fighting Insomnia [March 7, 2016]
  A film with a positive aspect. [ MP3 | link ]

324: Has the Gangster Movie Been Whacked? [March 6, 2016]
  Is the genre dead? [ MP3 | link ]

323: Lyrics are Few and Far Between [March 5, 2016]
  An insight into listening and speaking. [ MP3 | link ]

322: Hitler was Hitler [March 4, 2016]
  Not a 21st century politician. [ MP3 | link ]

321: Donating Laptops [March 3, 2016]
  Old hardware is meaningless. [ MP3 | link ]

320: No Cultural Revolution Here [March 2, 2016]
  The experiences of others are worth reflecting upon. [ MP3 | link ]

319: Failed Dismally [March 1, 2016]
  Sometimes people like stuff they hate. [ MP3 | link ]

318: Why I'm Not a Creative [February 29, 2016]
  Too old for that hype. [ MP3 | link ]

317: Accents and Americans [February 28, 2016]
  Calming tones of familiarity. [ MP3 | link ]

316: No More Straight Streets [February 27, 2016]
  Things are going to get more interesting shortly. [ MP3 | link ]

315: Reflecting on iTunes Role in Podcasting [February 26, 2016]
  How has this changed the basic form? [ MP3 | link ]

314: Working through Facebook Politics [February 25, 2016]
  Sometimes people want to listen to your mind. [ MP3 | link ]

313: Bracing for a Meeting [February 24, 2016]
  Revealing the monkey. [ MP3 | link ]

312: Being Tracked [February 23, 2016]
  Watching you. [ MP3 | link ]

311: Cameras Everywhere [February 22, 2016]
  Only five bucks a month. [ MP3 | link ]

310: Non Sequiturs [February 21, 2016]
  The fall of Four Corners. [ MP3 | link ]

309: Music as a Vehicle For Ideas [February 20, 2016]
  Writing for music? [ MP3 | link ]

308: Improving Old Writing [February 19, 2016]
  Some tales can be layered in different ways. [ MP3 | link ]

307: Speaking the Written Word [February 18, 2016]
  Software now recognizes the spoken word. [ MP3 | link ]

306: Backing Away from the Monkey [February 17, 2016]
  Too much of that funk. [ MP3 | link ]

305: False Nirvana with the City [February 16, 2016]
  Sometimes promises sound too good. [ MP3 | link ]

304: After Hours Happiness [February 15, 2016]
  8pm to midnight blessings. [ MP3 | link ]

303: Computers via Email [February 14, 2016]
  Could this longstanding theme be coming to an end? [ MP3 | link ]

302: Dated Films Have A Place [February 13, 2016]
  Rag time cartoonists unite. [ MP3 | link ]

301: Time to Shine [February 12, 2016]
  Some films are mirrors into other emotions. [ MP3 | link ]

300: Naked Lunch [February 11, 2016]
  Some sandwiches are best served cold. [ MP3 | link ]

299: Pruning Catharsis [February 10, 2016]
  Hacking old wood can sometimes feel good. [ MP3 | link ]

298: Joke About My Name [February 9, 2016]
  The summary of six years of work sometimes should be predictive. [ MP3 | link ]

297: Super Brawl [February 8, 2016]
  How to survive a particular day. [ MP3 | link ]

296: Torae Interview [February 7, 2016]
  A short chat with Torae on his new album, Entitled. [ MP3 | link ]

295: Music is the Only Way Forwards [February 6, 2016]
  Becoming a musician for KickStarter. [ MP3 | link ]

294: More Space, More Reflection [February 5, 2016]
  Some shame in the game. [ MP3 | link ]

293: Keeping All the People Happy All the Time [February 4, 2016]
  A favorite podcast for many secures its place. [ MP3 | link ]

292: Lone Bike Rider [February 3, 2016]
  Sometimes an image is designed to impact generations. [ MP3 | link ]

291: Missing a Flat Faced Kitty [February 2, 2016]
  An introduction to Persian kitty purrn. [ MP3 | link ]

290: Entitled is the Name of the Album [February 1, 2016]
  Respect - shown almost everywhere. [ MP3 | link ]

289: Some Information Has An Impact [January 31, 2016]
  The curious case of the redacted incident. [ MP3 | link ]

288: Medicinal Music [January 30, 2016]
  Will music help the headaches? [ MP3 | link ]

287: Bringing Changes Everywhere [January 29, 2016]
  What more can be optimized? [ MP3 | link ]

286: Possessions, So Last Decade [January 28, 2016]
  We live in an era where true minimalism is possible. [ MP3 | link ]

285: Dealing with the Area [January 27, 2016]
  What needs to change for improvement? [ MP3 | link ]

284: So Long Berties [January 26, 2016]
  Starting the optimization for 2016. [ MP3 | link ]

283: Changes Here? [January 25, 2016]
  Maybe it is time for some crisping. [ MP3 | link ]

282: Time-Based Investments [January 24, 2016]
  Time appears to be the cheapest commodity. [ MP3 | link ]

281: The Martian [January 23, 2016]
  Reinventing the space dream. [ MP3 | link ]

280: Is the Future Still Optimistic? [January 22, 2016]
  Revisiting the future leaves some interesting questions. [ MP3 | link ]

279: The Revenant [January 21, 2016]
  A film worth seeing on the big screen. [ MP3 | link ]

278: Where do Hobbies Come From? [January 20, 2016]
  Reconnecting a misspent yoof. [ MP3 | link ]

277: Friends call him Jaron [January 19, 2016]
  But to you... who can remember. [ MP3 | link ]

276: w/o Food - Escaping the US [January 18, 2016]
  Third time is a charm. [ MP3 | link ]

275: Intellectual Landscapes [January 17, 2016]
  Thinking of learning in two dimensions. [ MP3 | link ]

274: w/o Food - Waiting for Pay [January 16, 2016]
  Second time, you'd learn, right? [ MP3 | link ]

273: Mommy! [January 15, 2016]
  The strangest man-boy ever. [ MP3 | link ]

272: w/o Food - A Trip to the Jungle [January 14, 2016]
  Perhaps this is a thing to learn from. [ MP3 | link ]

271: Joke Responsibly [January 13, 2016]
  Humor should be used for good. [ MP3 | link ]

270: Too Familiar with Chaos [January 12, 2016]
  Should chaos be the norm? [ MP3 | link ]

269: Curious Bias [January 11, 2016]
  Sometimes you discover things in the strangest fashions. [ MP3 | link ]

268: Digital Utopia versus the Neighborhood [January 10, 2016]
  It is good to escape dystopia. [ MP3 | link ]

267: Mind Over Migraine [January 9, 2016]
  A healthy update. [ MP3 | link ]

266: Comfortable Being the Last [January 8, 2016]
  What does it mean to be the last? [ MP3 | link ]

265: Manchester Jedi [January 7, 2016]
  A film review with spoilers and samples. [ MP3 | link ]

264: Concentrating on Words [January 6, 2016]
  Sometime you need to pick your words wisely. [ MP3 | link ]

263: New Computer After Five Years [January 5, 2016]
  It's hard to justify a new computer purchase. [ MP3 | link ]

262: Mushroom Boy Modifications [January 4, 2016]
  Looking at old code sometime leaves you thinking. [ MP3 | link ]

261: Gorilla of Code Launched [January 3, 2016]
  It's taken some time to learn certain things. [ MP3 | link ]

260: Artificial Flavor Damage [January 2, 2016]
  Some candy does damage. [ MP3 | link ]

259: Relativism and Death [January 1, 2016]
  The end that keeps giving. [ MP3 | link ]

258: Relativism in the Local Community [December 31, 2015]
  Where relativism provides some calm. [ MP3 | link ]

257: A Trip to the Doctor [December 30, 2015]
  Does this bode well? [ MP3 | link ]

256: Exploring Relativism [December 29, 2015]
  Introducing an exploration topic. [ MP3 | link ]

255: Not Resolutions [December 28, 2015]
  Some deeper dives in the new year. [ MP3 | link ]

254: Crackhouse in Suburbia [December 27, 2015]
  Sometimes interviews take you to the strangest places. [ MP3 | link ]

253: Sicario Snorefest [December 26, 2015]
  A film review without any spoilers. [ MP3 | link ]

252: Christmas Special [December 25, 2015]
  Something seasonal. [ MP3 | link ]

251: Sloth Reparations [December 24, 2015]
  Reparations for failed wars is such a World War One concept. [ MP3 | link ]

250: This Isn't The World, Son [December 23, 2015]
  A mentality capture in a government produced viral videos. [ MP3 | link ]

249: Bonus Content [December 22, 2015]
  Some topic updates. [ MP3 | link ]

248: A Dinosaur Named Sue [December 21, 2015]
  A quick review of Dinosaur 13. [ MP3 | link ]

247: Making a Murderer [December 20, 2015]
  You don't want to be law enforcement prey. [ MP3 | link ]

246: Code and Kickstarter [December 19, 2015]
  Good things coming next year. [ MP3 | link ]

245: Don't Tell Nancy [December 18, 2015]
  It turns out two paths lead to the same place. [ MP3 | link ]

244: Sing More, Buy Less [December 17, 2015]
  Returning to an old discussion point for a listener. [ MP3 | link ]

243: Decreasing Numbers Fuel the Future [December 16, 2015]
  What starts a conversation. [ MP3 | link ]

242: Considering and Creating Wonder [December 15, 2015]
  Sometimes it is worth optimizing for the ethereal. [ MP3 | link ]

241: Yesteryear Audio - Shoot On Crowds [December 14, 2015]
  Strategic shift for satire. [ MP3 | link ]

240: Yesteryear Audio - It Ain't Here [December 13, 2015]
  Sometimes funk doesn't need a downstroke. [ MP3 | link ]

239: Yesteryear Audio - Plain Insane [December 12, 2015]
  They sit in their cafes listening to Portishead. [ MP3 | link ]

238: Yesteryear Audio - Water in Creation (Shed Eviction Mix) [December 11, 2015]
  A remix for a bleaker reality. [ MP3 | link ]

237: Yesteryear Audio - The Originator [December 10, 2015]
  A true collaboration effort. [ MP3 | link ]

236: Yesteryear Audio - Feline/Noble Ape March [December 9, 2015]
  Experiments sometimes leave regrets. [ MP3 | link ]

235: Yesteryear Audio - Genetics [December 8, 2015]
  Most successful track to-date amongst classical music heads. [ MP3 | link ]

234: Yesteryear Audio - Semblance [December 7, 2015]
  An exploration of early audio starts with Semblance. [ MP3 | link ]

233: Sadly not An Artist [December 6, 2015]
  Some reflections on the artist life. [ MP3 | link ]

232: Downward Facing Social Network [December 5, 2015]
  Things seem to be changing for the worst. [ MP3 | link ]

231: Learn From Failure: Community Divergence [December 4, 2015]
  What can you learn about a community that goes their own separate ways. [ MP3 | link ]

230: Last Laugh [December 3, 2015]
  A film review documenting the last days of H. R. Giger. [ MP3 | link ]

229: Six is the Magic Number [December 2, 2015]
  The bombing of Iraq and Syria provides some interesting numbers. [ MP3 | link ]

228: World War Two Clandestine Manufacturing [December 1, 2015]
  They used whatever they had available. [ MP3 | link ]

227: Introducing a New Language [November 30, 2015]
  Role playing has a language all its own. [ MP3 | link ]

226: On the Cutting Room Floor [November 29, 2015]
  Sometimes music is thrown away. [ MP3 | link ]

225: Spotlight and Newspapers [November 28, 2015]
  A brief review of a fascinating film. [ MP3 | link ]

224: Poor Podcasting Practices [November 27, 2015]
  It is hard to produce podcasts these days. [ MP3 | link ]

223: Traditional Thanksgiving Projects [November 26, 2015]
  Projects have moved to the start of the gift giving period. [ MP3 | link ]

222: Soaked in Bleach Review [November 25, 2015]
  A film review with no spoilers hopefully. [ MP3 | link ]

221: Creating Timeless Music [November 24, 2015]
  An exploration of music and time. [ MP3 | link ]

220: Strategies to the Future [November 23, 2015]
  Get out your books and protractors. [ MP3 | link ]

219: Similar Knowledge, Not the Same Mind [November 22, 2015]
  Curious shared knowledge sometimes creates curious respect. [ MP3 | link ]

218: Halina Sara Schildkraut [November 21, 2015]
  Sometimes you meet people from the past online. [ MP3 | link ]

217: Worthless with Words [November 20, 2015]
  Tiredness can make you useless with language. [ MP3 | link ]

216: Being Counted [November 19, 2015]
  Sometimes you need to do stupid things to improve the future. [ MP3 | link ]

215: Rich Food will Make You Cry [November 18, 2015]
  Beware of the boar salami. [ MP3 | link ]

214: Contrasting Four Letter Acronyms [November 17, 2015]
  Putting two ideas together. [ MP3 | link ]

213: Responding to a Narrative [November 16, 2015]
  Podcasting as independent media. [ MP3 | link ]

212: Welcome to Minnesota [November 15, 2015]
  A film review without any spoilers. [ MP3 | link ]

211: Iron Lungs [November 14, 2015]
  A thick layer of World War II dust. [ MP3 | link ]

210: Mixed Narratives [November 13, 2015]
  Are we capable of change and remembrance? [ MP3 | link ]

209: Intere-sten [November 12, 2015]
  A pile of rusty metal with a nice smell. [ MP3 | link ]

208: Self Selecting Dinner Guests [November 11, 2015]
  Did you pick the podcast or did the podcast pick you? [ MP3 | link ]

207: Candied President [November 10, 2015]
  A sweet factory tour all about iconographic mythology. [ MP3 | link ]

206: Something Different [November 9, 2015]
  Tom talks about adapting Noble Ape for something flat. [ MP3 | link ]

205: Los Angeles Writer Fantasies [November 8, 2015]
  A brief review of a solid time vortex. [ MP3 | link ]

204: Culture of Throwing Stones at Buses [November 7, 2015]
  Some never want to move. [ MP3 | link ]

203: Past Puppet Show [November 6, 2015]
  We need to promote the future. [ MP3 | link ]

202: Net Directionality [November 5, 2015]
  Time for a new definition for the free internet. [ MP3 | link ]

201: Water Off this Schmuck's Back [November 4, 2015]
  Societal shaming is an old tool, long blunt. [ MP3 | link ]

200: What Is Next? [November 3, 2015]
  Perhaps some more interesting topics in the future. [ MP3 | link ]

199: Recording Space Changes [November 2, 2015]
  Back in the designated podcasting room, Tom outlines some space changes. [ MP3 | link ]

198: After Television [November 1, 2015]
  What do we do with the drunken savior? [ MP3 | link ]

197: What Different? Returning to the US? [October 31, 2015]
  How can a structure epitomize an existence? [ MP3 | link ]

196: What Different? Leaving the US? [October 30, 2015]
  Some things are better done independently. [ MP3 | link ]

195: Trash Night to Trash TV [October 29, 2015]
  The story ABC 7 missed. [ MP3 | link ]

194: Close to Frozen [October 28, 2015]
  How can a structure epitomize an existence? [ MP3 | link ]

193: What Different? Academia? [October 27, 2015]
  Some things are better done independently. [ MP3 | link ]

192: What Different? Leaving Australia? [October 26, 2015]
  Not really following the theme but some vignettes from departure. [ MP3 | link ]

191: What Different? Relationships? [October 25, 2015]
  Sometimes it is good to make improvements over time. [ MP3 | link ]

190: Twenty Percent Paperweights [October 24, 2015]
  Taken from the vault of Short Funks not destined to be aired recorded in June. [ MP3 | link ]

189: Sons of Iraq Reunion [October 23, 2015]
  A little history about ISIS. [ MP3 | link ]

188: Billions for Bin Laden [October 22, 2015]
  Such a friendly freedom fighter. [ MP3 | link ]

187: Everybody Loves Bombing Syria [October 21, 2015]
  No presidential candidate is against it. [ MP3 | link ]

186: How About These Recordings [October 20, 2015]
  Tom provides an update for new listeners. [ MP3 | link ]

185: Listener Feedback [October 19, 2015]
  The times have changed for enraged miscreants. [ MP3 | link ]

184: Within a Lifetime Everything Changes [October 18, 2015]
  A little reflection over time. [ MP3 | link ]

183: Welcome Those from Facebook [October 17, 2015]
  Newcomers through Facebook ads. [ MP3 | link ]

182: Everybody Needs a Little Gremlin [October 16, 2015]
  How have listeners impacted life? [ MP3 | link ]

181: Getting Older [October 15, 2015]
  Tom reflects on birthdays past. [ MP3 | link ]

180: Childhood Non-Hobbies Adult Non-Hobbies [October 14, 2015]
  Why, when and where with toy soldiers. [ MP3 | link ]

179: Viva Calle San Jose [October 13, 2015]
  Walking the streets can be quite insightful. [ MP3 | link ]

178: Documented Dreaming [October 12, 2015]
  Some advice for a listener. [ MP3 | link ]

177: Just Dungeons and Dragons [October 11, 2015]
  Luddite gamer warning. [ MP3 | link ]

176: Origins of Model Rail Radio [October 10, 2015]
  Exploring a few different origins. [ MP3 | link ]

175: Cyberhippies in Agrarian Utopias [October 9, 2015]
  Two listener submitted topics just seem to go together. [ MP3 | link ]

174: Defined Simplification [October 8, 2015]
  Changing aspects of life in an organized fashion. [ MP3 | link ]

173: Good and Bad in All Places [October 7, 2015]
  A question about analyzing where I have lived. [ MP3 | link ]

172: History Hors D'Oeuvres [October 6, 2015]
  Osprey Publishing - a name super-nerds can trust. [ MP3 | link ]

171: Which Came First: Noble Ape or Simulation Philosophy? [October 5, 2015]
  A question from a listener on origins. [ MP3 | link ]

170: Indoctrinated by People Scared of Change [October 4, 2015]
  No one seems to talk about the AIDS generation. [ MP3 | link ]

169: Simulating Conflict [October 3, 2015]
  Can simulation methodology be useful? [ MP3 | link ]

168: Being Special [October 2, 2015]
  A childhood wander moves to a childhood predicament. [ MP3 | link ]

167: Dunce of Cars [October 1, 2015]
  A short introduction to Las Vegas. [ MP3 | link ]

166: Dissolving Text [September 30, 2015]
  Maybe some text should just disappear. [ MP3 | link ]

165: Sans Internet [September 29, 2015]
  How can the modern man survive? [ MP3 | link ]

164: A Little Professional History [September 28, 2015]
  How did a schmuck end up here? [ MP3 | link ]

163: Digital and Real Cats [September 27, 2015]
  Felines come in all qualities. [ MP3 | link ]

162: Noble Ape Twentieth Music [September 26, 2015]
  It's been a long time coming. [ MP3 | link ]

161: Speaking Terms [September 25, 2015]
  Accents really muck up technology. [ MP3 | link ]

160: Old Friend [September 24, 2015]
  House guests sometimes come from the past. [ MP3 | link ]

159: Looking Up [September 23, 2015]
  Sometimes films bring back repressed memories. [ MP3 | link ]

158: Bow to No Arrows [September 22, 2015]
  Butter knives for your protection in San Jose. [ MP3 | link ]

157: Outreach or Overreach [September 21, 2015]
  How to make contact. [ MP3 | link ]

156: Community Dead Ends [September 20, 2015]
  An assessment comes at the same time as a crisis. [ MP3 | link ]

155: Pointless Moose Joke [September 19, 2015]
  Something from a comedic but misspent yoof. [ MP3 | link ]

154: Road Trips [September 18, 2015]
  Movement metaphysics was where it was. [ MP3 | link ]

153: Retiring A Sadist [September 17, 2015]
  The first part of three on jokes that are being retired (featuring an old excerpt from Stone Ape). [ MP3 | link ]

152: Paper Devils [September 16, 2015]
  Giving a book an evil look. [ MP3 | link ]

151: Simplify Maybe [September 15, 2015]
  Finding myself a little beat last Friday, will life change? [ MP3 | link ]

150: Sgt. Sniffer [September 14, 2015]
  No more nose-based armed services. [ MP3 | link ]

149: Straight Outta Brains [September 13, 2015]
  The zombies of the urban apocalypse. [ MP3 | link ]

148: Start 'Em Young [September 12, 2015]
  Survivalists characteristics should be passed down. [ MP3 | link ]

147: Silicon Valley Pretty Normal [September 11, 2015]
  The bubble of Silicon Valley is all perception. [ MP3 | link ]

146: Time Management [September 10, 2015]
  Fake it 'til you fake it. [ MP3 | link ]

145: Artificial Nation States [September 9, 2015]
  Lines on a map can easily be bulldozed. [ MP3 | link ]

144: One Good Act As A DJ [September 8, 2015]
  Being muscle leaves you thinking. [ MP3 | link ]

143: Corrupt Politician? I Think Not [September 7, 2015]
  Some curious political metaphors. [ MP3 | link ]

142: Straight Outta Compton [September 6, 2015]
  As a long-term fan, better than I expected. [ MP3 | link ]

141: Nothing to be Afraid Of [September 5, 2015]
  That internet and those kids today. [ MP3 | link ]

140: Habitual Users [September 4, 2015]
  Critical insights require critical minds. [ MP3 | link ]

139: Talking about Luck [September 3, 2015]
  What is the importance of luck? [ MP3 | link ]

138: What Makes Great Music? [September 2, 2015]
  A listener question about why music has impact. [ MP3 | link ]

137: From Virtual Reality to Reality [September 1, 2015]
  Landscapes have held an important place in escape vectors. [ MP3 | link ]

136: Contemporary Las Vegas [August 31, 2015]
  Has violent crime ruined this once post-apocalyptic gem? [ MP3 | link ]

135: Deconstructing Las Vegas [August 30, 2015]
  Some thoughts on a lifetime ago. [ MP3 | link ]

134: Dinner with Harry Reid [August 29, 2015]
  When you want to dine with the Mafia, Las Vegas is the place to do it. [ MP3 | link ]

133: Grandfather's War Photos [August 28, 2015]
  Making war look like a vacation. [ MP3 | link ]

132: Why Rap? (Part 2) [August 27, 2015]
  The technology behind rap provided some interest too. [ MP3 | link ]

131: Language is Useless for Life Experience [August 26, 2015]
  Some things just can't be said. [ MP3 | link ]

130: Photographical Existence [August 25, 2015]
  Photographs give evidence. [ MP3 | link ]

129: Why Rap? (Part 1) [August 24, 2015]
  Some discussion on Tom's interest in rap. [ MP3 | link ]

128: Pay Attention on the Way Down [August 23, 2015]
  Sometimes you need to pay more attention. [ MP3 | link ]

127: Location Makes You [August 22, 2015]
  What does a change of location do? [ MP3 | link ]

126: Six Legged Future [August 21, 2015]
  Creating a new sub-project. [ MP3 | link ]

125: Jam 'n Scone [August 20, 2015]
  All horror films happen in accidental situations. [ MP3 | link ]

124: Emails for Forgiveness [August 19, 2015]
  The grandmother's emails did not bring turmoil. [ MP3 | link ]

123: Podcasts are Ethereal [August 18, 2015]
  Tom reflects on a departure from the field of podcasting. [ MP3 | link ]

122: Who Listens to This? [August 17, 2015]
  It is often safe to assume no one is listening. [ MP3 | link ]

121: Feline Humility [August 16, 2015]
  Sometimes a friend comes in fur. [ MP3 | link ]

120: Exhaustion of the Mind [August 15, 2015]
  Coping strategies sometimes work. [ MP3 | link ]

119: Word of Mouth [August 14, 2015]
  Empowering you the listener. [ MP3 | link ]

118: One Billion Dollars [August 13, 2015]
  Tom provides a blueprint for how to make insane money. [ MP3 | link ]

117: Cat Grass and an Anthem [August 12, 2015]
  He's so big, people think he is a dog. [ MP3 | link ]

116: Hero-less World [August 11, 2015]
  Meh, who needs 'em. [ MP3 | link ]

115: All in a Name [August 10, 2015]
  Sometimes writing this text is the hardest part. [ MP3 | link ]

114: Widely Travelled After Dark [August 9, 2015]
  A well-stamped dream passport. [ MP3 | link ]

113: Emails from Beyond [August 8, 2015]
  What is the protocol for email from those who have passed? [ MP3 | link ]

112: the Science of Silence [August 7, 2015]
  Public relations is sometimes time better spent on private work. [ MP3 | link ]

111: the Silence of Crowds [August 6, 2015]
  Sometimes it takes a group of people to take you away from it all. [ MP3 | link ]

110: Gist of Lists [August 5, 2015]
  Sometimes linking things helps you remember. [ MP3 | link ]

109: Philosophical Underpinnings of Content [August 4, 2015]
  There is a cartoon ratio that is important when you create content. [ MP3 | link ]

108: Iceberg [August 3, 2015]
  The final artist of the night. [ MP3 | link ]

107: Causes of Reprogramming [August 2, 2015]
  A phenomenon of many causes is discussed. [ MP3 | link ]

106: Art of Acoustics [August 1, 2015]
  Eric and Parrish making deaf. [ MP3 | link ]

105: Science, Economics and Propaganda [July 31, 2015]
  How can a defeated ideology win? [ MP3 | link ]

104: Art of Biz [July 30, 2015]
  Could one performer turn around a jaded spouse? [ MP3 | link ]

103: Narrative versus Fact [July 29, 2015]
  One person's story is another's reality. [ MP3 | link ]

102: Grand Master Caz is Amazing [July 28, 2015]
  One performer brightened the festival. [ MP3 | link ]

101: Jetlag is a State of Mind [July 27, 2015]
  The new normal is pretty horrible. [ MP3 | link ]

100: Important Male Role Model [July 26, 2015]
  An homage to someone who changed my life. [ MP3 | link ]

99: Art of Rick and Doug [July 25, 2015]
  Two classic hip hoppers provide two divergent tales. [ MP3 | link ]

98: Art of the Gender Divide [July 24, 2015]
  It sucks to be a 17-year-old girl at a rap festival. [ MP3 | link ]

97: Conclusion to Shed Life [July 23, 2015]
  The thrilling conclusion feature a cameo by Nicholas Cage. [ MP3 | link ]

96: Art of the Industrial Prison Complex [July 22, 2015]
  Attending a festival puts the scope of change that is needed back into perspective. [ MP3 | link ]

95: Not A Fan of Fakery [July 21, 2015]
  Sometimes opinions are not popular. [ MP3 | link ]

94: Motivating Factors [July 20, 2015]
  You may suspect this recording is created by anger. [ MP3 | link ]

93: Creating Kind [July 19, 2015]
  How do you spread kind with words? [ MP3 | link ]

92: Cryptic Comedy [July 18, 2015]
  The job of being funny is no laughing matter. [ MP3 | link ]

91: End the Insanity [July 17, 2015]
  The illusion of voting for change is satirized as it should be. [ MP3 | link ]

90: Controlled Change on the Edge of Chaos [July 16, 2015]
  Fixing a bathroom brings some insight into embracing change. [ MP3 | link ]

89: Syndicate Fool [July 15, 2015]
  Six in the morning, podcast at your door. [ MP3 | link ]

88: Lunchtime Meeting [July 14, 2015]
  Sometimes it takes a decade to meet a friend for lunch. [ MP3 | link ]

87: Should You Ignore Stalkers? [July 13, 2015]
  Some paradoxes play out in bad ways. [ MP3 | link ]

86: Long Bonus [July 12, 2015]
  This would normally be a bonus recording but it goes on too long. [ MP3 | link ]

85: Genetic Engineering, the Mutant Response [July 11, 2015]
  This curious analysis is brought to you by pesticides. [ MP3 | link ]

84: Mocking the State [July 10, 2015]
  There is a complex study a foot. [ MP3 | link ]

83: More Public than Public [July 9, 2015]
  How does the citizenry surpass public old media. [ MP3 | link ]

82: Comedian Protectors [July 8, 2015]
  Don't believe the type. [ MP3 | link ]

81: Beware of Those Who Design Schools [July 7, 2015]
  Some things are best forgotten. [ MP3 | link ]

80: Post Singular (Part 2) [July 6, 2015]
  What evidence is that we are post singular? What are the effects? [ MP3 | link ]

79: Ecosim [July 5, 2015]
  An interesting byproduct of Noble Ape. [ MP3 | link ]

78: Remembering [July 4, 2015]
  Not presenting causes and numbers trivializes something for Tom. [ MP3 | link ]

77: Renaissance in Lead [July 3, 2015]
  Tom talks about the kinds of artists he likes to employ. [ MP3 | link ]

76: Throwback Ape Reality Iraq from 2009 [July 2, 2015]
  A never-confirmed conversation about Iraq and some street knowledge. [ MP3 | link ]

75: Dream-space Introduction [July 1, 2015]
  Utilizing sleep to find curious objects. [ MP3 | link ]

74: Grateful [June 30, 2015]
  Listen to the old dudes sing sweet songs to rock my soul. [ MP3 | link ]

73: Thankfully Crazy [June 29, 2015]
  It's all about quality audio. [ MP3 | link ]

72: Couldn't Keep Me Away [June 28, 2015]
  This is the kind of subversive you are dealing with. [ MP3 | link ]

71: Five Alarm Hair Cut [June 27, 2015]
  This is a failed Stone Ape topic. [ MP3 | link ]

70: Half a Toe [June 26, 2015]
  It's the politics that tarnishes the process. [ MP3 | link ]

69: Throwback Ape Reality Experiments on Animals from June, 2006 [June 25, 2015]
  I'm sick in bed today so I decided to put out some audio from nine years ago exactly to this day. [ MP3 | link ]

68: Limited Luck [June 24, 2015]
  Tom talks about why he remains tea-total. [ MP3 | link ]

67: No Relation [June 23, 2015]
  Finding a little more about kin. [ MP3 | link ]

66: That Guy [June 22, 2015]
  Has adult apathy created an anti-idealist? [ MP3 | link ]

65: Important Topic Bad Film [June 21, 2015]
  Tom reviews the $8 fiasco that is Good Kill. [ MP3 | link ]

64: L. Ron Anonymous [June 20, 2015]
  Vegas provided a particularly interesting experience and bomb here. [ MP3 | link ]

63: Leonard, Michael, Donald and Ralph [June 19, 2015]
  You are now about to witness the strength of no knowledge. [ MP3 | link ]

62: Never Las Vegas [June 18, 2015]
  This was not supposed to happen. [ MP3 | link ]

61: Technion is in Haifa [June 17, 2015]
  Debated re-recording as this key detail was incorrect. [ MP3 | link ]

60: WWDC Metaphysics [June 16, 2015]
  Does Apple's new AI engine make existential claims? [ MP3 | link ]

59: Fruitvale Station [June 15, 2015]
  A film review potentially based on a mispronunciation. [ MP3 | link ]

58: Some Words are Life Changing [June 14, 2015]
  An article changed Tom's life. [ MP3 | link ]

57: Pianos for Life [June 13, 2015]
  Tom loves himself some keys. [ MP3 | link ]

56: Why No Chemistry? [June 12, 2015]
  Sometimes decisions are made for practical reasons. [ MP3 | link ]

55: Springer Cleaning [June 11, 2015]
  It's time to do some read-cycling. [ MP3 | link ]

54: Gangsta Rap Made Me Do It [June 10, 2015]
  Sometimes quiet reflection identifies something more. [ MP3 | link ]

53: San Fran and Fruit [June 9, 2015]
  Corporate haj is a real thing. [ MP3 | link ]

52: Conservative Sound [June 8, 2015]
  A concert provides Tom with some insight. [ MP3 | link ]

51: And He Dropped Dead [June 7, 2015]
  Something no one talks about. [ MP3 | link ]

50: Australian Rap [June 6, 2015]
  Bring some CDs back from Canberra, Tom drops some 1997 style. [ MP3 | link ]

49: Another Recording [June 5, 2015]
  Maybe you have some more time for another podcast? [ MP3 | link ]

48: Beyond Three Weeks [June 4, 2015]
  A three week trip becomes more thanks to some creative accounting. [ MP3 | link ]

47: Dog's Life [June 3, 2015]
  Tom makes a musical return to the Shed Life recordings. [ MP3 | link ]

46: Oblivious To It All [June 2, 2015]
  The things that happen under your nose are sometimes your fault. [ MP3 | link ]

45: Please Promote [June 1, 2015]
  It seems to be alive, now to get others to listen. [ MP3 | link ]

44: Oh the Shame [May 31, 2015]
  While trudging through the snow with no shoes, a better life always seemed shameful. [ MP3 | link ]

43: Not Television [May 30, 2015]
  Why is YouTube more compelling? Tom explores this decade old medium. [ MP3 | link ]

42: A Cause of World War One [May 29, 2015]
  A curious case of the victors writing history. [ MP3 | link ]

41: Brace for the Unexpected [May 28, 2015]
  Tom drops some Noble Ape metaphysics. [ MP3 | link ]

40: Equatorial Jetstream [May 27, 2015]
  Tom talks about a friend he visits on the way to Australia. [ MP3 | link ]

39: A Trail [May 26, 2015]
  A retelling of a long and bloody story. [ MP3 | link ]

38: Follow the Narrative [May 25, 2015]
  While horrible, if you were paying attention it may have been less surpising. [ MP3 | link ]

37: On Garlic and Smell [May 24, 2015]
  Tom has been growing garlic and doing washing. [ MP3 | link ]

36: In Leicester [May 23, 2015]
  A question from a listener sparks some reflection. [ MP3 | link ]

35: Hello Terminator [May 22, 2015]
  Hasta la vista, Tommy. [ MP3 | link ]

34: Not Always Half [May 21, 2015]
  Sometimes biology isn't all that it seems. [ MP3 | link ]

33: FoC Jungle Chapter 13 Excerpt [May 20, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 13 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

32: FoC Jungle Chapter 9 Excerpt [May 19, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 9 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

31: FoC Jungle Chapter 8 Excerpt [May 18, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 8 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

30: FoC Jungle Chapter 7 Excerpt [May 17, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 7 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

29: FoC Jungle Chapter 6 Excerpt [May 16, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 6 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

28: FoC Jungle Chapter 5 Excerpt [May 15, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 5 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

27: FoC Jungle Chapter 4 Excerpt [May 14, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 4 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

26: FoC Jungle Chapter 2 Excerpt [May 13, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 2 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

25: FoC Jungle Chapter 1 Excerpt [May 12, 2015]
  Reading a section of Chapter 1 of the Field of Chaos Jungle novella. [ MP3 | link ]

24: You Don't Say? [May 11, 2015]
  Feeling a little manipulated? Nonsense is all you need. [ MP3 | link ]

23: Everything Must End [May 10, 2015]
  Tom reflects on the conclusion of a community. [ MP3 | link ]

22: Lost Elements [May 9, 2015]
  When does a film not produce a mass killing? [ MP3 | link ]

21: Ask Yourself [May 8, 2015]
  Feeling a little simulated? [ MP3 | link ]

20: (Anot)her [May 7, 2015]
  Now is a good time for an counter-existential film review. [ MP3 | link ]

19: Distilling it All [May 6, 2015]
  Tom talks about a book that had a particular impact on his early life. [ MP3 | link ]

18: In the Key of Grateful D [May 5, 2015]
  Someone Jones is ready, watch your speed. [ MP3 | link ]

17: A Business Opportunity [May 4, 2015]
  Want to make a swift buck from pesky industrial disputes? [ MP3 | link ]

16: Noble Ape (Part 1) [May 3, 2015]
  An introduction to a major project in Tom's life. [ MP3 | link ]

15: Mushroom Boy [May 2, 2015]
  Youth seem to always bring out the worst in a society. [ MP3 | link ]

14: Model Rail Radio Theme [May 1, 2015]
  Tom explains one of his more famous podcast themes. [ MP3 | link ]

13: What's with the Name? [April 30, 2015]
  How did Tom pick the name for the podcast? [ MP3 | link ]

12: Introducing Field of Chaos [April 29, 2015]
  A seventeen year-old's writings leave a curious after-taste. [ MP3 | link ]

11: Post Singular (Part 1) [April 28, 2015]
  What does it mean? How did Tom come to this conclusion? [ MP3 | link ]

10: Something Musical [April 27, 2015]
  Composing podcast themes keep Tom sane. [ MP3 | link ]

9: Brand Loyalty? [April 26, 2015]
  Brand loyalty? Maybe something more. [ MP3 | link ]

8: Winchester Part 2 [April 25, 2015]
  A follow-up to the Winchester episode. [ MP3 | link ]

7: Some Advice [April 24, 2015]
  What did Tom learn from his start-up experiences? [ MP3 | link ]

6: Under the Knife [April 23, 2015]
  Tom talks about one toe less. [ MP3 | link ]

5: First Thai Experience [April 22, 2015]
  A little story about travels in Thailand. [ MP3 | link ]

4: Cat Burglar [April 21, 2015]
  Tom provides a curious cat experience. [ MP3 | link ]

3: Winchester Murder [April 20, 2015]
  A bullet in a driveway could reveal something more interesting. [ MP3 | link ]

2: Introducing Tom [April 19, 2015]
  Tom Barbalet gives a short introduction to who he is and where he has lived. [ MP3 | link ]

1: What is This? [April 18, 2015]
  Tom Barbalet explains what Short Funk is specifically. [ MP3 | link ]

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